Retrieving And Filtering JIRA Issue Views Through Request URL
When developing a JIRA gadget for the WSO2 Gadget Server i found out that some aspects of the JIRA facilities are not well documented. This post will try to help with one such not-well documented service provided by Atlassian JIRA. In my gadget i had to filter the data that i needed according to several parameter that would vary from request to request.I decided to use "searchrequest-xml" that is provided by Atlassian JIRA this can be accessed by a simple URL and can also be filtered using parameters in the URL. This will return a XML containing the data that was requested. How the parameters should be defined to filter the request is not clearly documented. The aim of this post to provide a brief documentation as to how the parameters can be set for the "searchrequest-xml" URL request. What You Need To Know The things given below are not that necessary ...