Simple log analysis with Apache Spark
In this post we will try to learn to run some simple commands with Spark, some simple transformations and actions. We will do some simple log analysis using Spark. I will be using the local Spark cluster that i setup on my laptop. if you haven't read my first post on how to setup an Spark cluster on your local machine i recommend you read the post How to set up a Apache Spark cluster in your local machine . First we will connect the the cluster with the following command. MASTER= spark://pulasthi-laptop:7077 ./spark-shell "spark://pulasthi-laptop:7077" is the URL of the master that can be found in the Spark web ui. After connecting successfully you should be able to see an Scala console where you can execute commands. Also you should be able to see your application listed in the web-ui under running applications. To run this scenarios i am using a set of log files generated from various WSO2 products as sample data. Any set of log files or even just a set of ...