How to make web based a wordpad using gwt
gwt is one of the best ways to develop user frendly web applications this is my first project done using
gwt i want be able to put the complete code because its too long but i'll put a few useful codes
Creating a menuBar(this goes in the class that extends EntryPoint)
MenuBar menu = new MenuBar(); menu.setAutoOpen(true); menu.setWidth("500px"); menu.setAnimationEnabled(true); // Create the file menu MenuBar fileMenu = new MenuBar(true); fileMenu.setAnimationEnabled(true); menu.addItem(new MenuItem(constants.cwMenuBarFileCategory(), fileMenu)); String[] fileOptions = {"New","Open","Save","Save As","Print","Print Preview","Exit"}; for (int i = 0; i <fileOptions.length; i++) { fileMenu.addItem(fileOptions[i], menuCommand); fileMenu.addSeparator(); } // Create the edit menu MenuBar editMenu = new MenuBar(true); menu.addItem(new MenuItem(constants.cwMenuBarEditCategory(), editMenu)); String[] editOptions = {"Undo","Cut","Copy","Paste","SelcetAll","Clear"}; for (int i = 0; i <editOptions.length; i++) { editMenu.addItem(editOptions[i], menuCommand); } }
Now menuCommand is were you put the coding for the action when the link is clicked you will have to useone for each here i only used one.first make another class
Command menuCommand = new Command() { public void execute() { Window.alert("you just clicked it"); } }; public Command getMenuCommand() { return menuCommand; }
Using a dialogBox to insert Bullets into a text area and how to use popups to make it user frendly
Button bullets=new Button(); RichTextArea ta=new RichTextArea(); final DecoratedPopupPanel bulletpop=new DecoratedPopupPanel(true, false); bulletpop.ensureDebugId("cwBasicPopup-simplePopup"); bulletpop.setWidth("10px"); bullets.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { int left = 620; int top = 55; bulletpop.setPopupPosition(left, top); bulletpop.setWidget(new Label("bullets"));; } }); bullets.addMouseOutHandler(new MouseOutHandler() { public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) { bulletpop.hide(); } }); bullets.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { ta.getExtendedFormatter().insertUnorderedList(); } });
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